Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#8: Postsecondary Teachers

College enrollment rates have skyrocketed since the recession began, as students return to school to retrain for new careers. Thus, there has been a large increase in demand for college and postsecondary teachers.

Ivy Tech alone hired over 825 new faculty members last year to keep up with it's surge in enrollment. The greatest need is for math, science, and nursing teachers.

The average salary for a tenured professor is about $60,000. However, with recent budget cuts, colleges are now hiring mostly part-time faculty or non-tenure track full-time faculty. Colleges are also hiring faculty to teach online courses and these professors need not even step foot on campus.

How to become a Postsecondary Teacher

Most colleges prefer that professors have a Ph.D. and an impressive portfolio of research and published work. However, some colleges will hire faculty with a masters degree and teaching experience.

If you would like to become a college professor, the first step is figuring out what subject you would like to teach. Start by getting your Associates of Science in your field of interest, and then go on to get your bachelors, masters, and doctoral degree in the field. Be sure to participate in research opportunities while in school in order to build your portfolio of published work.

Whether you are passionate about French, Geography, or the History of Rock 'n' Roll, your expertise and knowledge are needed in Indiana postsecondary education.

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